UHURU WA YESU UMOJA is a made of 30 members from which 17 are women and 13 are men,we founded our group on the 15th January 2020 with the aim to empower ourselves as refugees who had no income but needed to survive.
- we do saving (VSLA)
- We cultivate maize and rice
- we also breed pigs and rabbits.
- renting a small land than we needed for our activities due to lack of enough capital,
- the price on the market which is not stable where by expectations sometimes do not march with seasons,
- lack of medecines in agriculture and proffessional tools.
- lack of proffessional skills and medecines for our tame
- lack of enough food for better results in livestock
- we need a financial support to sustain some of our ongoing and yet to begin projects and activities
- we need trainings in what we do for better results in the future
- we need our own land
- Email:wayesuuhurub@gmail.com
- Telephone: +256777122812 /+256789889572
- Focal Person’s Name :Joseph BYIBESHYO SAFARI