2022 International Youth Day Celebration in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement


International Youth Day is observed annually on August 12th. It is meant as an opportunity for governments and others to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. During IYD, concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings involving national and local government officials and youth organizations take place around the world. IYD was designated by the United Nations in 1999 with the adoption of Resolution 54/120.

At Kyaka II refugee Settlement –Kyegegwa District, Uganda, this day was celebrated on Thursday, August 31st, 2022 at Sweswe Youth Center –Sweswe zone.

The day has “The Role of Youth in the implementation of parish development model” as the national theme. The Uganda government’s flagship program, the Parish Development Model (PDM) is premised on the model that the Parish Development Committee(PDC) together with common citizens as the end user of social services are better placed to identify and respond to their own needs, priorities, and direct use of resources. And since the program has been proven more effective in boosting the livelihoods of local people from the village level through agriculture production and marketing, it was found worth it to help refugees adapt to the system.

UNHCR, Uganda Local Government’s officials, and other partners gathered together with different youth organizations and youth populations to discuss how to tackle different challenges which youths face along their way to sustainable development. During the event, youths were given the opportunity to share with the audience the challenges they face and what they thought could be done both by civil institutions, government, and non-governmental organizations to help their livelihoods become better. According to the youth present, some of their most problems faced include but not remitted to, lack of employment, Sexual harassment, GBV, and Insufficient/Lack of support for youths’ initiatives. Etc.

Hillary Agwe -UNHCR Kyaka II representative in the event/ Photo courtesy -Pacifique_Triple T.

Mr. Hillary Agwe –The UN-Refugee Agency, Kyaka II representative in the event, advised youths to work with charity platforms like made51, and Kyaka2.com,  innovative, market-based models that promote economic inclusion of refugees in global value chains through talents promotion and connecting them with genuine buyers across the globe. He also encouraged them to apply for DAFI scholarships in mass to advance their levels of education and hence be more likely to hook nice paying employment.      

Kyaka2.com is deeply indebted to our incredible partners who support and make our work thrive. Special thanks to Tripple T and other Refugee Led Organizations in Kyaka II refugee Settlement for their encouragement and helping hand every while we ask for it.

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