Apply for Mandela Washington Fellowship 2023


The Mandela Washington Fellowship will bring up to 700 young leaders to the United States in the summer of 2023 for a comprehensive executive-style program that is designed to build skills and empower Fellows to lead in their respective sectors and communities.

The Fellowship is an unparalleled opportunity to…

  • Participate in a six-week Leadership Institute at a U.S. college or university to share your experiences with and learn from U.S. citizens and other Fellows.
  • Explore industries beyond your daily work and expand your expertise.
  • Participate in a Summit with young African leaders.
  • Meet with U.S. Government, civic, and business leaders.
  • Strengthen your work through new connections, skills, and ideas.
  • Join a continental and global Alumni Network to help you seek innovative solutions to common challenges.

This is an experience of a lifetime.  The [Fellowship] has provided a medium for interacting and networking with each other, sharing our dreams and aspirations…  I am so privileged to be a part of this generation that will foster change for the betterment of our families, communities, cities, countries, and Africa.”


What are the criteria for selection?

Application Timeline

  • August 16, 2022 | Application opens
  • September 13, 2022 | Application deadline
  • November 2022 – January 2023 | Semi-finalists interviewed by local U.S. embassies and consulates
  • March 2023 | Applicants are notified of their status
  • May 2023 | Visa processing and Pre-Departure Orientations for Finalists
  • June 2023 | Fellowship begins in the United States

The following criteria will be used to evaluate applications (not in order of importance):

  • A proven record of leadership and accomplishment in business, civic engagement, or public service;
  • A demonstrated commitment to public or community service, volunteerism, or mentorship;
  • The ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups and to respect the opinions of others;
  • Strong social and communication skills;
  • An energetic, positive attitude;
  • A demonstrated knowledge of, interest in, and professional experience in the preferred sector/track; and
  • A commitment to return to Africa and apply leadership skills and training to benefit the applicant’s country and/or community after they return home.

Click here to Apply


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